Peace, Love, and Understanding

woman looking up at sun through trees

Due to family health demands, I am taking a blogging break until September.

But in light of the news of a deadly shooting that targeted a former U.S. President, I hope you will join me in meditating on Peace, Love, and Understanding.

Here are some links to other resources on my website that you may find helpful.

Take care of yourself…and others when you can!

Linda Mary Wagner

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About Me

Picture of Linda Mary Wagner
Linda Mary Wagner

I spent more than a dozen years as an independent journalist and later worked as a communications specialist for The Brooklyn Historical Society, Consumers Union, and Associated Press. At this stage of my life, my primary concern is to meet the challenge that climate change presents to my children, grandchildren, and the future of life on planet Earth.

Join Together For Charity

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Now available!

My new memoir, Rear-View Reflections on Radical Change, is now available as an e-book and paperback!

Rear View Reflections on Radical Change